The seller will be notified on multiple channels that the item has been bought by you. In doing so, the seller gets an opportunity to create a shipping label. As soon as the seller has done this, you will be notified. From this moment on, you will also be provided with updates from the carrier, e.g. UPS or DHL or another parcel delivery company. If the parcel has been delivered to a parcel point, you will again receive updates about the shipment incl. track & trace.
We ask the seller to send the item within 7 days after purchase. If this is not achieved within this period, Whoppah will contact the seller.
If, for whatever reason, shipping does not succeed, we will revoke the purchase and you will receive an immediate refund. It may happen that the seller is temporarily unable to ship the item quickly, please discuss this with each other via chat. It is always possible to make other arrangements together about the duration of shipping.