When ordering multiple products, there are a few things to keep in mind. Below we explain how it works.
Booking courier per product
If you want to order multiple products, you can indicate which courier you want to use per product. You can do this by adding the desired product to your shopping cart and then selecting the desired courier. This way you can be sure that all products are delivered correctly.
Buyer protection per product
In addition to choosing the right courier, you can also choose buyer protection per product. This is an extra service that ensures that you as a buyer are protected against any problems with the product or seller. If you order multiple products, you can decide per product whether or not you want buyer protection.
Discount code over entire shopping cart
If you have a discount code, you can use it when checking out all your products. The discount code is valid for the entire shopping cart, not per product. This way you get a little discount on all the products you have selected.